
The article presents an analysis of the selected, considered key, technologies development affecting the military area. The authors of the analysis started from the assumption that nowadays, it is the commercial technology that should determine the development of technology used for military purposes. This is due to the fact that the biggest driver of technology development is the market game - that is, competition. The greatest market potential lies in the diversity and scale that characterizes the civilian market. Only from the set of solutions used commercially can policy-makers and military decision-makers choose the right ones for military applications. The analysis presented here drew heavily on examples of this phenomenon which can be seen in the ongoing war in Ukraine. The set of emerging tendencies is defined in 4 trends - dispersion, sharing, convergence and miniaturization. They provide timeless guidelines for the way of thinking in the light of exponentially occurring changes in the field of technology. Such a change in commanders' thinking should be the challenge of the RMA (Revolution of Military Affairs) implementation process. This means new challenges for commander education where knowledge of tactics becomes as important as understanding the capabilities of network technologies.


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