OSINT a zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa legalnie chronionych informacji

  • Bartłomiej Adrian Terebiński Akademia Sztuki Wojennej
Słowa kluczowe: OSINT, methods of obtaining information, passive reconnaissance, active reconnaissance


The rapid development of civilization causes the circulation of information in the information space every day to take place at a geometric and precisely defined pace, transmitting and processing petabytes of data. Information used to be just an interdisciplinary term that was the denial of the unknown, but now it is a key factor underpinning the information civilization. Each source of information has its own characteristics and is perceived individually by particular people. Therefore, obtaining information must be systematic and using proven methods. The evolution of the use of open source, publicly available data has led to the development of another intelligence method called Open-Source Intelligence. This study aims to describe ways of legally analyzing publicly available information, while maintaining ethical and legal constraints. To identify the indicated research areas, analysis and criticism of the literature and analysis of data taken from media reports regarding information leaks into the public space were used.


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