Digital transformation and mobility, which is what drives the revolution in aviation, they are also a challenge to ensure safety. Increasing automation means a greater risk of cyberattack. The author in the article below touches on the issues related to Cyberspace, characterizes it and shows the issues related to violation of civil aviation security by performing cyberattacks, drone attacks, and thus violating civil aviation security. Civil aviation is a specific user of highly advanced information technology and therefore requires special protection against unauthorized access (cyberattacks). This protection covers the entire aviation ecosystem, and in it; Air Traffic Control, aircraft (aviation industry), airports. In the whole process of civil aviation security, and in particular the prevention of cyberattacks and air terrorism, legislation plays a very important role. In recent decades we have witnessed various events that were a serious threat to the safety of air navigation. These situations gave impetus to search and creating new preventive systems ensuring a high level of security in international civil aviation transport.
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