Cultural Projects as a Tool of Anthropological Defense. Ukrainian Example
The article presents anthropological defense’s practical dimension on cultural activities observed during the Russian-Ukrainian war. The paper's primary hypothesis is to deliver anthropological defense strategic objectives from the perspective of a country at war. The adopted view refers to hybrid warfare and hybrid threats. The goals are as follows: 1) documentation objective, 2) therapeutic objective, 3) ideological objective, 4) diplomatic objective. A structured, consistent defense line allows creating a shared narrative by dividing society as the Ukrainian one. All actions in terms of anthropological defense refer to the values shared by the majority of citizens. Nevertheless anthropological defense tools' choice and use must be strategically conditioned, i.e., other benefits for cinematography, theatre, and fine arts. For an action to be practical cooperation between self-governing assemblages (as volunteers, artists, art curators) and state-actors must be established. The cooperation activities undertaken are complementary and complementary and can, therefore be remarkably efficient.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Anna Korzeniowska-Bihun
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