The aim of the paper is to explore the case of the NUP 2X35 strategic analysis campaign conducted by the Polish Armed Forces (PAF) and to identify lessons and best practices from employing the inclusive network approach to the conduct of strategic foresight analysis. The research process is centred around the following research questions: (1) What are the assumptions of the NUP 2X35 campaign of strategic analysis? (2) How was the strategic foresight analysis conducted? (3) What are the lessons and best practices from the campaign? (4) How can the case illustrate the employment of the concepts of a learning organization, open innovation and absorptive capacity in military organizations? The single case study methodology is employed as a framework for analysis. Data for analysis is collected from personal, participatory observations conducted by the authors, analysis of official documents related to NUP 2X35 released to the public, and opinions about the project expressed by key leaders of the Polish Armed Forces. The NUP 2X35 strategic foresight analysis is an interesting example of employing an inclusive, network approach to bring valuable external (civilian) knowledge into military analysis. The case shows how the armed forces recognize external knowledge, establish inclusive communities of interest grouping together military officers and civilian researchers to absorb this knowledge, how knowledge is assimilated and transformed, and finally exploited for the benefit of the Polish Armed Forces, the national defence sector and NATO. Moreover, the military pays back by increasing the awareness and understanding of defence and national security issues among the society.
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